Our state is in its second week of the administration of new, online assessments. For our district, with over 10,000 students spread over 17 different schools, it is the first time we have done wholesale online testing. Perhaps I should knock on wood, but so far, so good.
While I can only report what I have seen at Orchard View, our students have embraced this new venture without much anxiety or fear. I attribute that in large measure to all of the behind-the-scenes work done by our Technology Office, and certainly to the positive, encouraging, and relaxed attitude of our teachers and administrators. We know that kids and parents will take their cue from us, and again, so far, so good.
The over-the-shoulder glances at the assessment items as kids asked a question or requested to pause to take a break reveal the critical thinking skills we know will be essential to success as our students grow into adulthood. While these current assessments are just one snapshot of information in the year-long evidence of learning album we gather on our students, it is rewarding to see that our approach to implementation of the Michigan Content Standards within our Instructional Framework is on target.
Just as state assessments will continue to be refined to provide us with one form of check-in as to the level of student learning, we will continue to refine our efforts to positively impact the instructional core of our K-12 classrooms, that being the relationship between teachers, students, and content. We will also continue to refine our daily monitoring of learning, both through formative assessment processes and summative assessments we employ in our classrooms, schools, and district. Our analysis and use of this data to inform our daily instruction is key to student learning and growth.
Many on social media and in news outlets continue to debate the legitimacy of state-mandated assessments. In our district, we have largely set that aside, and have continued day-in and day-out to take care of our students in the best way possible given what we have been asked to accomplish. There is not a day I have ever dread coming to serve in this district because of the people and kids I have the good fortune to be around. Kudos to all of you.