Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Space Jam

Recently, I have been writing (and re-writing) a “Personal Statement” as part of my application to the Educational Leadership program at Michigan State.  The directive was to talk about how my life experiences brought me to this point of applying to the program.  As part of that, I did a lot of reflecting on what motivated a successful commercial litigation attorney (me, in case you were wondering) to switch careers, and then I concentrated on the joy and meaning I have found in being a teacher.

What I ended up crafting looks a lot like a personal mission/vision statement, and even if I decide not to pursue this specific academic avenue next year, I am glad I took the time to write it.  In the here and now, I feel more grounded in my work.  It helps me realize my non-negotiables (also known as my “North Star” per Kenneth Williams, or my “Space Jam” per Kid President). 

What would your personal mission/vision statement look like?  I’m not asking you to write one, I’m just wondering what grounds you in your work.  What are your non-negotiables?  What brings you to your school or classroom each day?  What gives you life, feeds your soul, or warms your heart?  How do you celebrate success, for yourself and/or your students? 

Take 10-15 minutes of quiet time over the next few days to contemplate these questions, and then use the comment section below to record your reflections if you feel so inclined. There are no right or wrong responses, but someone else may be inspired by your thoughts.  Welcome to the Space Jam.

J. Walton

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