Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Reflect, Refresh, Recharge

In the last two days, I've read two different pieces on the value and use of vacation or downtime.  The first, "Summertime Listening for Leaders" (, discusses how educational leaders can use the summer months to their advantage.  The second, "Vacation days" (, is a more circumspect look at surrendering to slowing down.  In the spirit of full disclosure, I will admit that the second piece was written by my sister Jill, who is a wellness coach/trainer.

Both pieces helped me reflect on how I am using my time this summer.  Ironically, I type this as I am sitting in the Instructional Coaches "office" (for those of you who have seen it, you know why I can only loosely use that term) working on a couple of projects.  But coming in this afternoon was my choice.  Frankly, I spent the morning in my pajamas, in bed, reading the scotusblog and texting with my friend Karen as the Supreme Court handed down two important decisions on equality.  Making my own schedule today was refreshing.

I was originally scheduled to be in Ann Arbor June 27-30 to attend some really cool professional learning.  But after having been gone from home almost two weeks already this month, I decided to decline and give someone else the opportunity to attend.  Being at home with my kids and hanging out with friends is definitely a way to recharge my inner self.  While I do love to do professional learning in the summer, I realized that I needed to step back right now for myself.

So, what will you do this summer to reflect, refresh, and recharge?

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